Indian governments run hundreds of policies in the name of social protection. Given the adverse economic impact of COVID-19, the focus is back on these policies to provide some relief to the worst-affected. So this episode is all about understanding social protection policies better. Joining us is Saksham Khosla (@khoslasaksham), Associate Consultant at Dalberg.
सामाजिक सुरक्षा क्या है? भारत की सरकारों के खर्च का कितना हिस्सा सामाजिक सुरक्षा विषयों पर किया जाता है? यह PDS, UBI, ICDS, नरेगा वगैरह का उद्देश्य क्या है? यह सवाल ख़राब अर्थव्यवस्था के चलते और भी प्रासंगिक गए है | इन नीतियों को समझा रहे है सक्षम खोसला, जो कि डालबर्ग में एसोसिएट कंसलटेंट है |
Himanshu and Abhijit Sen's 2013 paper on the PDS' impact on poverty
Himanshu and Abhijit Sen's 2013 paper on the PDS' impact on nutrition
Dalberg's survey on the efficacy of government entitlements for low-income families during COVID-19
Reetika Khera, Jean Drèze, and Meghana Mungikar's estimates of PDS exclusion in IndiaSpend
Transfers Rohini Pande, Simone Schaner, Charity Troyer Moore, Elena Stacy, Policy brief on the exclusion of women from the COVID-19 PMJDY transfer
India's Universal Basic Income, Saksham Khosla, Carnegie India
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आपातकाल की नीति. Social Protection in India.